Spring Outdoors is Family & Friend Focused on This Week’s Guided Activities!
Spring Outdoors is Family & Friend Focused on This Week’s Guided Activities!
Here are your guided adventures for May 20 – May 26, 2017.
The Last Green Valley’s (TLGV) partners and volunteer leaders have more family and friendship-based activities than ever this week from one end of the National Heritage Corridor to the other!
Saturday, May 20th is a day filled with choices sure to make you smile. Grab your family and friends and head to the “Killingly Spring Fest” starting at 9 am, with yoga in the street, the “Aspire Springtime Classic 5k” race, a parade and all sorts of family events. “Harmonies & Hops,” a popular annual event, brings in brew aficionados from all over and is held at the other end of downtown Danielson from 1 – 4 pm. Over 25 craft brewers combine with music in this popular tasting event. Tickets go fast, so procure yours now at www.beerfests.com.
Willimantic is also brewing with fun on Saturday, May 20th with “Riverfest 2017.” Kick off the day with a paddle starting at Eagleville Dam. Shuttles will be available; for more information or questions, call 860-455-3611. The Bridge Street Plaza will host vendors, food, music, arts and more for the event.
Windham Public Schools offers the “CHBSA Community & Family Expo,” aimed at families with children, starting at 11 am in Jillson Square in Willimantic. Businesses and organizations will be on hand with programs, services or products for families.
Finish up the busy day of May 20th with “Stories, Songs, Arts & Nature at Trail Wood,” at 2 pm in Hampton. Maria Sangiolo was a 2016 Artist in Residence and will share her creative experiences in song, stories and a hike of this special place.
Flip a coin and choose from two paddles happening on Sunday, May 21st. “Paddle the Quinebaug in Holland” starts at 9 am for 3.6 miles of downstream flat water paddling and is sponsored by the Holland Trails Committee. Meet at 20 Pond Bridge Road.
The “Webster Lake Paddle” starts at 11 am. Lakeview Marine & Webster Lake Association team up to introduce you to different views you can enjoy from the water. Please pre-register, or to inquire about rentals, contact Angela at abrayton@lakeviewwebster.com for this casual paddle on the biggest natural lake in Massachusetts (along with the biggest name!).
If you enjoy architecture, “A Grace Full Village” takes you on a heavenly tour on Sunday, May 21st starting at noon at the Grace Episcopal Church in Yantic. Built in 1902 with no debt, you’ll enjoy stained glass, oak carvings, pipe organ and some classic photos of the 19th-century Yantic Village.
“TLGV Ranger Marcy’s Acorn Adventure” reels in some pond & field discoveries at the Quinebaug Valley Trout Hatchery in Central Village on Sunday, May 21st at 1 pm. Tour the hatchery building and learn that trout matter, then stroll the trail to the family fishing pond to introduce your kids to the fun of fishing.
The Ashford Conservation Commission has been busy and offers “Langhammer Trail Connections” on Sunday, May 21st at 1 pm. A trio of forest and trail lovers will showcase this recently-completed trail system connecting Langhammer to the Fenton-Ruby Preserve, built with cooperation.
Wyndham Land Trust invites you to celebrate open space saved from development at the “Rocky Hill Refuge Dedication” on Sunday, May 21st at 1 pm in Woodstock. This is a fabulous story in The Last Green Valley.
Southbridge works for good at the “Bike Drive Donation Event” on Sunday, May 21st from 1 – 4 pm on the Town Common. Adult bikes are preferred, but they will accept kids’ bikes, too, and are looking for bikes that are not heavily rusted. Questions to Scott at 508-765-3784.
Close out this week of Spring Outdoors with the “Triple Cemetery Sunset Stroll with Spirits Optional” in the Tucker District of Killingly on Wednesday, May 24th at 6 pm. Visit 3 small cemeteries to see who strolled before we did in this peaceful and remote area and learn of many burial traditions. $5 fee gets you delicious treats cooked up by Renee’s Working Girl Catering Service, and spirits (beer & wine) will be available for purchase. RSVP to marcy@tlgv.org or support@workinggirlcatering.com to make sure we have enough treats for you!
To get all the Spring Outdoor choices, visit www.thelastgreenvalley.org or TLGV’s Facebook page. New adventures are being added all the time, so be sure to check in often!
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. Together we can care for it, enjoy it and pass it on!
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