Join us Saturday Sept. 26 for an Acorn Adventure
Join The Last Green Valley and Blue Slope Farm Museum at 3 pm, Saturday, Sept. 26 at 138 Blue Hill Rd, North Franklin for an Acorn Adventure – Where’s the Water? If you know what to look for, there’s water on Blue Slope Farm, a…
Goldenrod – the prolific and misunderstood wild plant
“Across acres of old pastures, where the goldenrod are taking over, late August and early September turn the land into a tumbling sea of the richest yellow. The fields are awash with waves of goldenrod that flow across the slopes and break against the stone…
The fall season means Walktober in The Last Green Valley
September 22 is the Autumnal Equinox – the official end of summer and start of the fall season. Already the mornings are cooler and soon we’ll begin to see a bit of color on the leaves. The first trees to show fall foliage color are…
Welcome to Walktober!
We’re celebrating 30 years of Walktober! While it’s not what we envisioned when we began planning, Walktober still provides plenty of opportunities to experience what makes this region worthy of being a National Heritage Corridor. In these challenging times, walk leaders are adjusting their plans…
The Fascinating and Deadly Eastern Cicada Killer
“All life, under the burning sun of mid-morning, seemed lying low, keeping silent, all except the cicadas.” Edwin Way Teale from Journey into Summer “Cats may scrape leaves and grass over dead pretty to conceal it, and some wasps drag drugged but living insects into…
A Farm-to-Table “Harvest Tour” in The Last Green Valley
“For man, autumn is a time of harvest, of gathering together. For nature, it is a time of sowing, of scattering abroad.” — Edwin Way Teale For almost two decades The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) has held its annual fundraising event “Tastes of the…
Tastes of the Valley Harvest Tour!
Celebrating local farms, orchards, vintners, brewers and restaurants! This year, we invite you to take a gourmet Harvest Tour of The Last Green Valley! Enjoy a farm-to-table, 3-course dinner from one of our area’s best restaurants each week for the first four weeks of Walktober:…
Chaplin: A Village Suspended in Time
In preparing for this article I perused the Town of Chaplin website. A section about the town’s history starts with this sentence, “An extraordinary early 19th century building boom and a 20th century road improvement project created Chaplin, a village suspended in time.” I first…
A Public and Private Partnership to Conserve Purple Martins
I always enjoy hearing from readers of this column. A few weeks back Mariano Librojo from Norwich contacted me and sent pictures of three purple martin “apartments” he erected in his backyard. The structures are set up on tall poles and each has a cluster…