Places to Explore in 2022 – Part 2
In my column last week, I shared my 2022 bucket list of places to explore our region’s amazing natural resources. Some of the hiking and outdoor locations I want to explore this year are new to me and others are locations I have not visited…
Join us in January for Eagle Month!
Join us for Eagle Month! January is Eagle Month in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. You’ll want to save these dates for programs. For everyone: Bald Eagle Hike 9 a.m., Jan. 22 ( postponed from Jan. 15) Quinebaug Trout Hatchery 141 Trout Hatchery…
Places to Explore in 2022
Welcome to 2022. A brand new 12 months and four seasons stretching out before us, providing new outdoor experiences and places to explore. Today we’ll explore my list of interesting locations in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor I have yet to explore, as well as…
Friends at the Feeder
The house where I grew up was a one-level modern house with large windows my folks called “picture windows.” It was on a dead-end road and surrounded by tall trees of mostly oaks, some birch and maples, with the windows affording a panoramic view into…
Winter Is Coming
The morning of Dec. 9 we woke to a dusting of about 1 inch of snow that had me scraping the windshield and brushing off my truck before heading to the office. For some folks winter starts with the first snow, but for me it…
A Bald-Faced Hornet Nest
Outside my kitchen window, about 20 yards from the house is a bald-faced hornet’s nest. Suspended by a single thin branch on an old sugar maple tree, it hangs seven feet off the ground and is remarkable for its size and beautiful shape. The nest…
December Member Programs 12/11 and 12/21
Join us for the last two TLGV programs of 2021! Look to our Facebook page for last minute updates if you have not been in contact with Bill at bill@tlgv.org or 860-774-3300. 12/11 Acorn Adventure – Hibernating Habits When: 10:00 am – Noon Where: Mansfield…
The December Night Sky
Star gazing is a wonderful activity any time of year, but something about a cold, clear and moonless winter night makes it seem even more magical. There is science behind the magic of winter star gazing; lower humidity in the winter atmosphere means clearer, crisper…
The Unique and Beautiful Tamarack Tree
The season of dazzling hillsides ablaze with vivid, colorful, autumnal foliage is all but over. There may be three more weeks before the winter solstice, but already most of our trees are showing their bare, skeletal branches, foretelling the approaching season of cold. At this…