Trails in The Last Green Valley are Beckoning This Week!
National Trails Day is June 3rd, Connecticut Trails Days are June 3rd and 4th, and The Last Green Valley’s (TLGV) Spring Outdoors leaders have trail adventures galore for you in the 35-town National Heritage Corridor!
Put your pedals and piggy-toes to the trails during these events on Saturday, June 3rd:
- “Enjoy the Trails of Sturbridge” with lots of activity choices from 8 am – 3 pm on the Leadmine Mountain Trails. A trail run, mountain bike rides for advanced riders and for kids, geocaching, environmental awareness hike, and even trail building 101 are a few choices. Some of these activities need preregistration, and for more information contact treksturbridge@gmail.com
- “New England Mountain Bike Association (NEMBA) Goodwin Fun Ride” offers a choice of 7, 15 or 25 mile loops in Goodwin Forest in Hampton starting at 9 am. Fees apply. For more information check out facebook.com/quietcornerNEMBA.
- “Holland & Brimfield Trail Bike Ride” rolls off at 10 am for an easy flat trail ride; meet at 20 Pond Bridge Road in Holland. Brought to you by the Holland Trails Committee.
- “Air Line Lore along the Lebanon & Columbia Line” is a family-friendly walk at 11 am with the CT Eastern Railroad Museum’s historian Ray. Learn about the Ghost Train and the line construction of 1912-1913.
- Enjoy the “Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening” on the newly-installed bridge on the Air Line Trail in Thompson at noon. Bike, walk, jog, ride your horse! Best parking is at the Route 12 parking lot (Mechanicsville Section.) Find out about this event and all things Thompson Trails on facebook.com/Thompson-Trails-Committee.
- “Hale Homestead Trails Day Walk” starts at 2 pm in Coventry. A slow 2 mile walk down the 18th century road that the Hales used to bring their livestock to market takes you back in time. Registration recommended: 860-742-6917. Heavy rain cancels.
Connect to more land and water trails on Sunday, June 4th:
- Goodwin Forest is ready for runners at the “10k & 30k Trail Run” starting at 9 am. Expect a challenging but fun course, peaceful scenery and other activities throughout the day, but pre-registration is required at friendsofgoodwinforest.org.
- Wyndham Land Trust showcases their “Rapoport/Spalding Preserve Walk” at 10 am in Woodstock, with scenic fields, woods, and wetlands. Your leashed dog is welcome, too.
- “Back Roads Undiscovered Killingly Bus Tour” is back by popular demand. Killingly’s Conservation Commission connects you to historic sites and open spaces that you can return to explore on your own. Unpaved roads, Revolutionary War graves, highest point in town, 500 acres of water are a few of things you’ll tour. Limited seats, so register by May 31st to 860-779-5311 or dguertin@killinglyct.gov for information on where to meet at 1 pm.
- “Explore Dunhamtown Forest” in Mansfield at 1 pm. A family and leashed dog friendly walk presents trees, wildflowers, old home sites and abandoned roads.
- “Paddle the Shetucket with TLGV Ranger Bill” along the National Recreation Water Trail. Pre-registration is required and to get all the details, contact bill@tlgv.org.
The weekend also offers tours, events, programs, croquet and farmers’ markets!
- “Trees on Woodstock Hill” on Saturday, June 3rd at 10 am offers a tour of 100 year old Palmer Arboretum. You won’t believe what you will discover there!
- “Scouts/Kids! Plant for Pollinators” is a great excuse to visit Hodges Village Dam in Oxford. A family-friendly location with events all the time, this one offers you a chance to plant your own plot of wildflowers on Saturday, June 3rd at 10 am. RSVP to r.kordack@usace.army.mil so a sign can be made in your name. Bring your own soil amendments, gloves and drinks. USACE will provide the seeds and tools.
- Huntington Homestead in Scotland hosts the “Colonial Homestead Landscape Tour” Saturday, June 3rd at 10 am in Scotland. Walk the farm property that once belonged to the son of the Mohegan Tribe’s Uncas, and learn what W3R is all about, too.
- Huntington continues the day with “Let Us Heal Our Ill & Injured” starting at 11 am, featuring 18th century medicine and treatments from period advice books. Visiting children and families are encouraged to participate and tend to the feeble and sick during the program.
- “Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp Open House” invites you to meet their director and staff, take a tour and learn about the benefits of this great camp on both Saturday and Sunday from 2 – 4 pm in Pomfret.
- The “Coventry Farmers’ Market at the Hale Homestead” celebrates their Opening Day on Sunday, June 4th from 11 am – 2 pm, featuring some of the best Connecticut grown and made products in an unspoiled country setting.
- Willimantic knows how to put on whimsically fun events and “Alice in Wonderland Croquet” is no exception. Come to Jillson Square on Sunday at 11:30 am for croquet with Alice, the Queen of Hearts and other Wonderland characters. Costumes are welcome but not required. Bring a picnic and lawn chairs. $4 to play croquet.
The fun doesn’t stop on the weekend!
- “Leffingwell House Museum’s Annual Meeting” is Wednesday, June 7th at 6:30 pm in Norwich, including a storyteller and refreshments, and is free and open to the public.
- “Full Moon Hike” at the Connecticut Audubon Society’s Trail Wood in Hampton slows down the daily hustle and bustle so you can enjoy the magical sights and sounds of the evening. Free for CAS members, $5 for non-members.
- The “Thames River Basin Partnership Floating Workshop” lands in Roseland Park on Friday, June 9th starting at noon. $25 fee includes light lunch, demonstrations, information sessions, paddling and a walking tour for the land lubbers. To register call 860-928-4948 or email jean.pillo@comcast.net.
- Close the week with the “Rose Full Moon Paddle” at Roseland Park, Friday, June 9th at 7 pm. This is a perfect location for new paddlers, and we’ll enjoy the splendor of the rising full Rose Moon. Limited space, pre-register to marcy@tlgv.org.
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. Together we can care for it, enjoy it and pass it on!
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