Walktober Brochures Are Here! Plan Your Adventures Now!
TLGV has just released its fun-filled Walktober brochure to celebrate the 25th year of amazing autumn activities in the National Heritage Corridor! Busting out with 190 unique guided walks, strolls, hikes, bike rides, paddles, tastes, sips, and events galore during the region’s most invigorating time of year, you can start planning your adventures now! Dedicated volunteer leaders, their sponsoring organizations, and TLGV partners eagerly await the chance to reunite you with familiar places or introduce you to new discoveries.
The Walktober brochure is still full-color and free, and with some new contests and challenges for members. The brochure is a must have! To receive your own: email mail@tlgv.org; call 860-774-3300; download a PDF by clicking here; or pick one up at any town hall, library or information kiosk within the region. All updates, additions and cancellations will be posted on the Walktober page on TLGV’s website and Facebook page, so please check them often.
Last year nearly 60,000 participants enjoyed Walktober, providing a major economic boost to the region. Walktober grows each year with no slowdown in sight. Do you Walktober?
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