Walktober’s First Week Offers A Variety of Adventures
27-years strong, and bigger and better than ever, Walktober kicks off Sept. 21 to celebrate the autumnal equinox.
Brought to you by The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV), the 2017 Walktober offers an array of adventures, with more than 220 unique experiences and more than 250 opportunities to enjoy autumn in the region. The 24-page Walktober brochure is free and details the guided walks, hikes, bike rides, paddles, tastes and events featured during Walktober. TLGV’s website and social media will be regularly updated with additions and changes.
“We have an amazing group of volunteer walk leaders who help make this event bigger and better, year after year,” said Lois Bruinooge, executive director of The Last Green Valley. “This 35-town region is an extraordinary place, and nothing shows it off better than Walktober, thanks to the community organizations and volunteers who put their hearts into this program every year.”
Members of TLGV also have the chance to win a specially-designed Walktober Challenge T-Shirt. To win, all a member needs to do is participate in a Walktober experience, sign the attendance sheet, take a photo and post it to TLGV’s Facebook page with their location. TLGV will pick two winners every week of Walktober.
Here’s a sampling of the first week of Walktober events:
On Thursday, September 21, explore The Three Bridges of Downtown Willimantic – and More! in Willimantic.
On Saturday, September 23, learn how farmers keep The Last Green Valley Green during Celebrating Agriculture in Woodstock; join Laurelei’s Letterboxing Adventure in Lebanon; take a Knowlton Hill Preserve Plant Walk in Mansfield; Visit the Huguenot Steamer No. 1 Fire Station Museum in N. Oxford, MA; go Walking in a Traitor’s Footsteps as Benedict Arnold Returns at the Leffingwell House Museum in Norwich; fall in love with Last Green Valley towns during the Brooklyn Fall Festival, Positively Pomfret Day, and Southbridge Walktober Focus on Fun; explore The River, Rail, Mills & Trails in Willimantic; and take a Hale Homestead Landscape Tour: Reading an 18th Century Farm in Coventry, or a Cemetery Tour of Brooklyn’s South Cemetery.
Enjoy the Brooklyn Fall Festival and Thompson Community Day on Sunday, September 24.
Find the Next Stop: Hampton Station on the Air Line Trail or visit the Shetucket River Powering Norwich and Lifting Fish on Wednesday, September 27. Thursday, September 28 offers Dale Monett’s Presentation, Book Launch & Book Signing in Southbridge. Close out the week with Deep Sky Observing on Sprague Land Trust Property in Franklin, CT.
These walks are just the beginning of Walktober! Adventures continue throughout the month of October and conclude November 4.
To plan Walktober adventures, grab a 24-page, free brochure at any town hall, library or information kiosk within the region, or download a brochure. All updates, additions and cancellations will be posted on the Walktober page and Facebook page. Please check them often.
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley, Inc. works for you in the National Heritage Corridor. We help you to care for it, enjoy it and pass it on.
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