Celebrate Eagle Month and Join Us for January 2023 Programs
Help us ring in the new year and join us for some fun Eagle Month programs!
Soaring Over the Last Green Valley: A Walk to See Bald Eagles
Quinebaug Valley State Trout Hatchery, Trout Hatchery Rd, Central Village, CT
Saturday 1/14/23 at 10:00 am
Repeats Saturday 1/21/23 at 10:00 am
Bald Eagles return to the Last Green Valley in great numbers each January. Some are seeking open waters for hunting, others are returning to their nests to rebuild and prepare for chicks. The Trout Hatchery, at the confluence of the Quinebaug and Moosup rivers and, of course, home to trout, attracts both migrant and resident bald eagles. Chief Ranger Bill Reid will lead us on an easy walk on mostly level ground while we scan the skies for soaring eagles. This location has been a successful spot to see eagles perching, hunting and flying eagles. There are always many other winter birds to see as well. Bring your binoculars or a camera and bundle up. Bill will also be sharing the latest facts on bald eagles and have materials you can take with you about these amazing birds of prey. Registation is required to ensure enough materials and that we can communicate with you regarding the weather. You can register at this link, call 860-774-3300 or email bill@tlgv.org.
Acorn Adventure for Families: Eagle Eyes with Horizon Wings
Norwich Harbor, Brown Park, Gazebo, 100 Chelsea Harbor Dr., Norwich, CT
Sunday 1/29/23 at 10:00 am *note – new date, same time*
Children and their families are invited to join The Last Green Valley staff to experience just how long a bald eagle’s wings are, how huge their eyes are and how big they build their nests. Norwich harbor and at the head of the Thames River attracts many birds, and bald eagles love the hunting opportunities here. While we are learning about these amazing birds of prey we will have our eyes trained to the skies to see them in the wild. Bring binoculars, a spotting scope or a camera, if you like. Toward the end of our adventure Horizon Wings of Ashford will join us with some special guests and share even more amazing facts about bald eagles. Registration is not required but appreciated to ensure we have enough materials for children to take home. Acorn Adventures are always free to families thanks to the generous sponsorship of Centreville Bank, however, donations to Horizon Wings are appreciated.
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