Ranger Kevin’s Walk Along the Air Line Trail
Meet The Last Green Valley’s newest volunteer Ranger & hiker, Kevin, as he leads us along the Air Line Trail on Saturday, May 2, from 1 pm – 4 pm. (Rain date is Sunday, May 3 if necessary). This is a flat, easy walk, totaling…
Celebrate Earth Day in The Last Green Valley
Happy Earth Day! You can help us keep our favorite part of Earth – The Last Green Valley – clean and green! Over the last three years, 3,200 volunteers have collected 74,700 pounds of trash from our parks, rivers, and roadways! This year, many towns,…
April Member Program
TLGV Members are invited to join us for Charlton Day on Saturday, April 25th for a variety of activities. Join Chief Ranger Bill Reid and Lead Ranger Marcy Dawley as we travel to Charlton, MA, for the town’s Earth Day activities. It’s a fun-filled day…
Ranger Marcy’s Acorn Adventure
Join Ranger Marcy for a Salamander Search at Mansfield Hollow State Park on Sunday, April 19th, from 1 – 3 pm at Mansfield Hollow State Park off of Bassett Bridge Road, Mansfield.  Sponsored by Putnam Bank! Will the snow be gone by April 19th for…
March Quiz Winner
Congratulations to Cynthia D., who was chosen among those who correctly answered the March quiz question. She knew that there are about 45 miles of paddling on the the Quinebaug River Water Trail, a National Recreation Trail. Cynthia has won a TLGV Membership Package. See…
Plan a Cleanup and Help Keep The Last Green Valley Clean and Green!
As we look forward to springtime in The Last Green Valley, Earth Month and the accompanying cleanups are on our minds. Let the spring cleaning begin! Did you know that The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) offers funds for cleanups? These funds are easy to…
March Member Program Postponed
*** We’re going to have to postpone the Maple Sugar tour scheduled for this Saturday until further notice. There is still too much snow for Steve to get around in the woods where he maintains his sugar bush and he has been unable to tap…
February Quiz Winner
Congratulations to Linda O., who correctly answered February’s Quiz of the Month. She knew that Connecticut reclassified the bald eagle from a state endangered to a state threatened species in 2010. Linda wins a TLGV Membership package.
Let Your Green Lights Shine
Get your green lights glowing in support of The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor! Everyone is invited to join the fun in this slightly off-kilter midwinter celebration. Participation is simple – just display a green light from February 15 – March 17. Change a…